TAX FREE service

TAX FREE SHOPPING SERVICE – the value added tax (VAT) refund service for goods purchased in over 30 countries worldwide.


Shop abroad in stores with the GLOBAL BLUE logo.

When leaving the country (regardless of whether you are going home or continuing your trip), you must show the purchased goods, the Tax Free refund form  and your passport to the customs service. The customs officers must stamp the form as proof of export.

Upon request, the shop assistant  will issue the refund form in your name, which shall be filled in with the data from the Moldovan passport you are travelling with. You shall attach your cash receipts to your Tax Free refund form.

Attention! It is prohibited to use the purchased goods until they are shown to the customs service!


Please note that since 2018, in some European countries the possibility of electronic validation of the Tax Free refund form without  customs service stamp has been introduced.

Thus, the electronic validation of the Tax Free refund form has already been introduced in Italy  through  OTTELO solution; Spain –  DIVA; France – PABLO; Austria – e-Validation; Cyprus, Denmark and Estonia.

When leaving the country where the goods were purchased, you shall scan/validate the Tax Free refund form at the electronic validation machine found in the international airports.

The customs stamp shall be applied no later than 90 days from the day of purchase.

VAT refund

Submit the validated Tax Free refund form, the Moldovan passport you travelled with, physical bank card (valid for at least another 3 months) and the identity card at the Moldindconbank offices to receive the VAT refund.

Moldindconbank offices, where you can obtain the VAT refund:

  • Chisinau Centru Branch, 38 Armeneasca st.

In accordance with the legislation of the European Union and other countries, Moldovan citizens, who travel abroad with the passport of the Republic of Moldova, are entitled to a refund of the Value Added Tax (VAT) on  goods purchased. Global Blue Tax Free.

Global Blue – Free:

Collect Global Blue refund forms and send them  to the Global Blue address to receive the refund.

( Global Blue makes the refund directly to the customer’s card account within up to 6 weeks).

Moldindconbank does not accept Planet cheques stamped with the Romanian or Hungarian border stamp. They can be sent directly to Shared Service Center Planet Payment Tax Free (Domaniewska 39, Fl.6, Warszawa, Poland, Postcode 02672) with card details (16 digits and card expiry date). Only after verification by Planet, money will be credited directly to your bank account.

Moldindconbank does NOT accept Tax Free refund forms,  which the European Union passport number is filed in (for example: Romania).

More about  Global Blue Tax Free, go to (refund tracker) or contact  the Global Blue Customer Service Centre (tel.: 00 421 232 111 111).

For more details please visit:

Global Blue Company official site

or call at (+373) 022 57 69 66



In accordance with the legislation of the European Union and other countries, citizens of the Republic of Moldova, who travel abroad with the passport of the Republic of Moldova, are entitled to a refund  of the Value Added Tax (VAT) on goods purchased.

The Tax Free Shopping service is available to tourists in: Russia, Italy, Germany, Spain, Greece, France, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Holland, Switzerland, Portugal, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Sweden, Cyprus, Korea, Singapore, Malta, the Faroe Islands, etc.

Stores that provides the Tax Free Shopping service usually have the Tax Free logo on their entrance doors. If you buy goods abroad, do not hesitate, because the Tax Free refund form  is issued and filled in  only on the shopping day. In small stores, the Tax Free refund form  is issued at the  counter. Large shopping centers usually have special issuance offices.