Be cautious if you have received an email on behalf of Moldindconbank asking you to click on a link because your card account has been blocked or fraudulent activity is suspected. It is a fake, which can leave you immediately out of money!

Although this email seems credible, you should know that Moldindconbank never sends such a request and never validates such data via email.

How to spot a fraudulent email:

  • Check the e-mail address from which it was sent. You will see it is a suspicious one. For example
  • Letter contains multiple grammatical errors.
  • Email stresses the need to act “quickly” and “urgently”.
  • It urges you to click on a link to “check your account”, “access Web Banking”, etc.

If you receive a suspicious email:

  • Do not open or save attachments.
  • Do not access the links in the email.
  • Do not give your card details (number, PIN, CVV, OTP passwords, expiry date) and Web Banking or Mobile Banking login details to anyone.
  • Delete the email in your mailbox.

If you inadvertently leaked your confidential data to scammers, block your card in the Mobile Banking app and contact Customer Support 24/24 at 022 71 71 71