On June 15, 2022, the Annual Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of BC “Moldindconbank” S.A. was held at the bank’s headquarters. The Bank’s shareholders or their representatives, who hold 93.74% of the total voting outstanding shares, attended the General Meeting. All the items on the Agenda of the General Meeting were adopted with over 99% of the votes represented at the Meeting.

The General Meeting took note of the Annual Financial Statements of the Bank for the year 2021 and approved the Annual Report of the Bank’s Board of Directors for 2021.

The Bank reported significant achievements: a coverage of more than 20% of the market in terms of assets (20.6%), loans granted (20.4%) and deposits attracted). Moldindconbank is the first bank in the mortgage-lending segment, with a share of 27.6%, the leading bank on the payment cards market, with a share of 37.8%, as well as in the payment card operations segment. The Bank maintains a high level of liquidity and capitalization, demonstrating in 2021 the highest financial efficiency in the domestic banking system.

These performances are the solid foundation for the successful further development of the Bank. The digitalization processes within the bank will transform the institution in all areas of activity, propelling Moldindconbank towards the most innovative and advanced industry standards and quality services offered to customers.

Also, amendments to the Bank’s Statute were approved and the audit entity was confirmed to carry out the ordinary mandatory audit of the Bank’s financial statements in 2022.

Regarding the payment of dividends, the General Meeting, taking into account the recommendation of the National Bank of Moldova to refrain during 2022 from distributing dividends until the mitigation of negative effects caused by the current situation, decided that the Bank’s net profit for 2021 will be consider undistributed profit until the General Meeting adopts another decision in this regard. After this decision, the capital adequacy ratio increased by more than 31%, which once again confirms the stability of the institution.

The result of the vote of the General Meeting will be brought to the attention of the Bank’s shareholders by publishing an informative press release in the “Capital Market” newspaper and on the Bank’s website, within the time limit established by the legislation in force.


Moldindconbank is a systemically important bank for the Republic of Moldova, confirming the status of a top bank in 2021 by leading positions on the market in the most important segments. The Bank’s achievements are due to the professional team and the support provided by the majority shareholder DOVERIE UNITED HOLDING from Bulgaria