On February 22, 2024, at the headquarters of Moldindconbank, took place the Extarordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Bank.

Participating shareholders unanimously voted at General Meeting to distribute dividends from the annual net profit for 2022.

The decision adopted at the General Meeting, will enter into force on the date of publication in the newspaper ā€žCapital Marketā€ and on the Bankā€™s website.

Moldindconbank is one of the largest banks in Republic of Moldova, with the largest network of subdivisions in the country and holds the leading position in the mortgage loans and payment cards segments. Since March 2019, the majority investor of Moldindconbank is the Bulgarian company “Doverie-Invest” EAD. Currently, the European investor owns 78.21% of the Bank’s share capital.

Moldindconbank ā€“ mereu alături!