Moldindconbank invites entrepreneurs to apply for investment loans with affordable interest rates under the “373” government program, launched by the Government at the end of June 2023.

By joining this program from the start, Moldindconbank helps its customers, small and medium-sized enterprises, to develop a prosperous business at home in the Republic of Moldova, providing them quickly with the necessary financial means, under preferential conditions.

Advantages for your business:

  • You get up to MDL 15 000 000 or equivalent in USD/EUR
  • Term: up to 7 years
  • Interest: 7% for the loan in lei and 3% in foreign currency
  • Grace period: up to 3 years
  • Own contribution: only 10% of the investment project value
  • Guarantee: up to 40% of the loan amount if you do not have sufficient collateral
  • No early repayment fee
  • You are exempt from bank charges on the loan
  • No pre-approval from state institutions.

Apply now for an investment loan if you have a business in:

  • Agriculture, forestry
  • Manufacturing industry
  • Production and supply of electricity and heat, gas, hot water and air conditioning
  • Water distribution, sanitation, waste management, decontamination activities
  • Transport and storage
  • Accommodation and food service activities, etc.

Moldindconbank is actively involved in supporting and promoting the business environment in the Republic of Moldova, being the first choice for those who need business capital here and now. And its support is rewarded by customers through loyalty and trust.

Do you need financial support? We look forward to seeing you at Moldindconbank. Together we can give a new motivation to your business and the country’s economy!