KfW - Sudzucker Moldova refunding
EUR 200,000
7 years
Up to 2 years
Enterprises with any organizational and legal form, which meet the following criteria:
100% private.
Registered under the legislation in force of the Republic of Moldova and have authorization to carry out entrepreneurial activities.
Annual average number of employees does not exceed 250.
Annual amount of sales revenues does not exceed MDL 50,000,000.
Financing of eligible investment projects from various sectors of the national economy, including start-ups, under attractive credit conditions related to costs and terms.
Any activity in rural areas.
Investments in the agricultural sector for the development of agricultural production.
Investments for the development of processing, storage, packaging, trade and other related activities.
Investments in non-agricultural production activities in rural areas, including production, trade, tourism and drilling.
Working capital for the above-mentioned investments.
Financing of trade.
The interest rate and related charges are set according to the lending rates in force.