Agro Investment loan
Up to 100% of the project
Up to 120 months
Up to 6 months annually
Business entities with the status of individual (Peasant Households, Individual Enterprises/Individual Entrepreneurs), whose main type of activity is agriculture.
Legal entities, regardless of their organizational and legal form, whose main type of activity is agriculture.
Economic operators with the status of individual (Peasant Households and Individual Enterprises/Entrepreneurs) and legal entities, regardless of the organizational and legal form, whose basic activity is agriculture.
Investments in agricultural households made for the development of agricultural and horticultural production.
Construction, repair of warehouses and cold storage facilities for agricultural products.
Purchase of equipment for sorting, processing and packaging of agricultural products.
Investments for the manufacture of products of animal origin.
Establishment of vineyards and orchards.
Investments in the field of vegetable farming, horticulture, beekeeping, animal husbandry, cereal farming.
Purchase of agricultural machinery.
Investments for the development of processing, storage, packaging, marketing and other activities related to agricultural subsectors.
Purchase of machinery for the production of seedlings and planting material for orchards/vineyards.
Construction/restoration of greenhouses/greenhouse heating systems.
Construction/restoration of irrigation systems.
Purchase of agricultural land.
Consolidation of agricultural lands.
The interest rate and related Ā charges are set according to the lending rates in force.
How to get the loan
Fill out the loan application form.
The Bank will determine its creditworthiness and the necessary documents.
Analysis of the potential debtor.
The Bank analyzes the potential debtor.
Loan approval.
Drafting the loan, pledge/mortgage agreement.