
Guide on the complaint management at B.C. Moldindconbak” S.A.


Dear customers,

B.C. Moldindconbak” S.A. (hereinafter – the Bank) appreciates the trust of its customers, and shares its express commitment to solving any detected problems. Your notices and complaints are the most important starting point for improving the quality of the products and services offered, as well as for improving the high professional standards of customer service.

The main mission of the Bank is to provide quality and modern banking services and products, focused on the development of customers and the increase of value for shareholders.

Further, you will find a short guide on complaint management at the Bank: these are your rights and our responsibilities. We hope that this information will help you understand how complaints are received, examined and resolved within the Bank.

Thank you for your cooperation, openness and transparency!


Team of B.C. Moldindconbak” S.A.



I. How to draw up a complaint?

To help us investigate the reported situation, as well as to respond to you as soon as possible, please, include at least the following information in the complaint to be filed:

a) Identification data:

in the case of customers/non-customers who are individuals:

  • surname, surname;
  • postal address;
  • phone number;
  • e-mail.

in the case of customers that are legal entities:

    • company’s name;
    • company administrator’s name, phone number, address;
    • e-mail;
    • title of the person submitting the complaint (holder/authorized person/representative).

b) The date you faced the problem complained of.

c) The most complete description of the complained situation.

d) The request addressed to the Bank about the complained situation.

e) Any documents that could facilitate verification of the complained situation.

f) The channel for receiving the answer to your complaint (verbally, by mail, phone or electronically).

If you do not indicate the identification and/or contact data in the complaint, the Bank will examine the reported issues, but is not obliged to draw up and send an answer.

II. How to file a complaint to the Bank?

In accordance with the legal provisions in force and to assist you when you are dissatisfied with the quality of the products and services provided by the Bank or if you has faced an unpleasant situation in working with us, please, notify us in one of the ways described below.

The following submission forms and channels for sending complaints are accessible:

  1. Verbally – at any branch or agency of the Bank.
  2. By phone – by calling at the phone number +373 22 71 71 71. The service is available 24/7.
  3. In writing:
  • through post offices, sending complaints to the central office of the Bank, at the address: 38 Armeneasca str., MD-2012, Chisinau municipality;
  • at the branches/agencies of the Bank, the addresses of which can be found by accessing the following link:;
  1. Electronically:

III. How we analyze and resolve your complaint?

Complaints are analysed and resolved within the Bank by the specialized departments, in the shortest possible time.

Once the complaint is resolved, the answer will be sent in the way indicated by you, accordingly: by post, to the mailing address, electronically, by e-mail, by phone or verbally.

The Bank does not send replies to complaints, if:

  • the complaint is anonymous;
  • the complaint does not contain contact details or they are not legible.

When examining complaints, the confidentiality of personal data and other confidential information shared by you is ensured under the legislation in force.

If you are not satisfied with the solution offered by the Bank, you may contact the competent authorities for resolution.

IV. Deadlines for resolving complaints

The answer to the complaint will be sent to you under the legal provisions in force, as follows:

✓ Within 14 calendar days – for complaints filed by individuals, in connection with the remedy of deficiencies arising from a service provided by the Bank, which is examined and resolved pursuant to the Consumer Protection Law 105-XV of 13.03.2003;

✓ Within 15 calendar days – in case of complaints filed in connection with the rights and obligations arising from the payment services provided by the Bank, pursuant to the Law on payment services and electronic currency 114 of 18.05.2012 and to the Law no. 202 of 12.07.2013 on consumer credit agreements;

If a complaint falls under more than one of the fields specified above, the answer will be provided in the shortest possible time (the terms provided for each of the fields concerned).

If, in order to draw up the answer to the complaint, the term for providing/sending the answer shall be extended, you will be informed about the extension of the term, as well as the reason/cause of the extension of the term for sending the answer to the complaint.

For example: more extensive investigation, request for additional information, etc.

We will do our best to provide a clear and complete answer to your complaint.

B.C. „Moldindconbak” S.A.will not examine complaints in a foul and offensive language or with threats to the life and health of the Bank representatives, as well as their family members.


Specialised department – Digital Business and Cards Department, Complaints Direction.


The supervisory authority for compliance with legislation on the protection of the rights of consumers of financial services is the National Commission for Financial Markets. Complaints may be submitted: by e-mail (in compliance with the regulations on electronic form – with the application of electronic signature) to , or by post: to the CNPF headquarters, in the mailbox located at the entrance to the institution’s headquarters”, located at: mun. Chisinau, bd. Stefan cel Mare și Sfânt, 77. Consumer telephone number – 022 85 95 95. The tariff to the number will be considered as a normal tariff call according to the network and type of subscription of the initiator.

Thank you and we remain at your disposal for further information!


National Commission for Financial Markets

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