373 Investment loan

Maximum amount

Up to MDL 15 mln.


Up to 7 years



Eligible beneficiaries – Economic entities, legal entities and enterprises that have the status of individual (Peasant Households, Individual Enterprises/Individual Entrepreneurs), classified according to the Law no. 179/2016 on small and medium-sized enterprises.Ā Ā 

Up to MDL 15,000,000 or the equivalent in USD/EUR.

Agriculture, forestry and fishing.

Process industry.

Production and supply of electricity and thermal energy, gas, hot water and air conditioning.

Water distribution, sanitation, waste management, contamination activities.

Transport and storage.

Accommodation and catering activities.

Information and communications.

Professional, scientific and technical activities.

Art, recreation and leisure activities.


Health and social care.

How to get the loan

Get rid of additional visits to the Bank! Simple, fast and easy.
Fill out the loan application form.

The Bank will determine its creditworthiness and the necessary documents.

Analysis of the potential debtor.

The Bank analyzes the potential debtor.

Loan approval.

Drafting the loan, pledge/mortgage agreement.